How Franz Hartmann Helped Spread Scientific Occultism In Germany

Franz Hartmann Scientific Occultism

Franz Hartmann (1838–1912) also did a lot to spread scientific occultism in Germany. He had a very interesting life in Europe and the Americas, working as a soldier, doctor, coroner, and mining speculator, among other things. Hartmann was already interested in Spiritualism, but after reading Isis Unveiled, he became interested in Theosophy. In 1883, he … Read more

Swastika The Ancient Bronze Age Symbol Misused By Nazi Germany

how nazis used swastika

From the Bronze Age onward, the swastika was a common symbol that was used on all kinds of things. The word “swastika” comes from the Sanskrit words su (which means “good” in Greek), asti (which means “to be” in Greek), and the suffix ka. The word for “good luck” in Sanskrit and Tibetan is “Swasti,” … Read more

How Blavatsky’s Works Influenced National Socialism And anti-Semitism

blavatsky nationalism anti semitism

It’s important to remember that Blavatsky’s works seem to be the result of a lot of research and were very convincing when they were written. Through the writings of von List, von Sebottendorff, and von Liebenfels, we can find that many later Nazi projects were based on ideas that Blavatsky first spread. A caste system … Read more