Is The New Testament Based On Egyptian Religion?

Most modern writers on Jesus, still look for his roots in Jewish culture. Paul, who wrote the most about Jesus, tells them what to do.
Paul tells us that Jesus was the strange son of a carpenter from Nazareth. He went to Jerusalem, Caesarea, and Galilee to teach and preach, and his Jewish followers spread his message far and wide. Some authors have said that Jesus didn’t exist and that he didn’t have Jewish roots. Some people think he came from a long time ago because he looks like the Mosaic Joshua, the Mandean John the Baptist, and even pagan heroes and gods. But thanks to more iconoclastic and insightful writers, we’re getting closer to the truth about Jesus and what he taught. Authors like Moustafa Gadalla, Ahmed Osman, Laurence Gardner, and Ralph Ellis come up with controversial ideas and theories that go against and even destroy the bland, traditional ideas of those who are afraid to go beyond the standard way of talking about the mysterious “savior” of humanity.

Differences between the four main gospels

Our own research has led us to agree with the theories of these revisionists. They show that the Israelites came from Egypt and that Pharisaic theology was not as old as people thought. In reality, the New Testament is a pretty rough mix of stories about pagan god-men. There are many of these traditions, and they all look different.
Over time, scholars have noticed that there are a lot of differences between the four main gospels and between the other books of the New Testament. When you look closely, it seems that the Epistles and the Gospels do not agree with each other about several important parts of Jesus’ life. Scholars like Earl Doherty wonder how the Epistles, the Acts of Paul, and the four Gospels all came to be in the Bible, since they all paint very different pictures of Jesus. Doherty reminds us that the authors of the Gospels put together many different traditions, and he points out that the “Galilean” and “Jerusalem” traditions are the most important from a biblical point of view. Paul’s story about the life of Jesus Christ was made by putting these two main stories together. The other three accounts, by Matthew, Luke, and John, were based on the Gospel of Mark, which was the result and synthesis of the Galilean tradition. Some experts think that these three were pretty close copies of the older Gospel of Mark. So, the pagan ideas were brought into Christianity by this early “Jerusalem Church.” Since these pagan ideas stayed in the books,

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Doherty, for example, might come to the conclusion that Paul and the Gentile Christians of later years were influenced by this Church. Since the New Testament was written hundreds of years after Jesus is said to have lived, we can see how important it was for these pagan ideas to stay. Without them, Christianity might not have come together and would have had much less of an effect on people in the West. Even though it had a mysterious hero at its center, it would have stayed a collection of small Eastern sects and not become a single doctrine. Gentiles joined this Jerusalem Church, and its version of religion was already accepted by people in the West, who formed their own groups, like the Gnostics. We should ask ourselves why Gentiles were so eager to join a religion that seemed to be for Jews.

Similarities with Egyptian religion

Why didn’t they pay attention to the customs and theologies of Egypt, which was, besides Greece and Rome, the greatest and most advanced civilization? We need to talk about what it was about the Jewish religion that made people want to join. Even Christians agree that many ideas from other religions were incorporated into Christianity. Egypt did, too. When we think about how much of Christianity has Egyptian roots, it makes our question even more important. So, again, why didn’t Egypt come back to life? Why did people accept Jesus but not Horus, Osiris, or Serapis? One possible answer is that most smart converts already knew that Christianity was similar to Egyptian religion. In contrast to people today, they would have known that Christianity’s teachings were just a rewrite of solar theology from Egypt’s many secret colleges. We can’t think of any other reason why this would have happened, since the richest and smartest scholars and dignitaries in the world respected Egyptian occult traditions. After all, educated people in the first few hundred years hardly forgot about the schools, libraries, societies, and wise teachers of Alexandria, the great center of learning and spirituality. Could Jesus have looked so much like the Egyptian gods that his fame and status were set in stone? Was he seen as a second Adonis, Mithras, or Apollo? In fact, the Pauline Christ is a lot like the pagan gods, especially the Egyptian ones, even though it is hard to prove otherwise. Clearly, the traditions (like Galilean and Jerusalem, etc.) and the figure of Jesus were both made up.

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He, too, was a mix of many gods and heroes from other religions going back to ancient times. He was the hero of a story that was written by skilled storytellers who knew that people would like their literary hero. Man’s imagination would help them, and the promises their savior made would be the perfect motivation. If the world was turned into hell and normal people were stripped of their rights and dignity, the promise of eternal life through a glorious, forgiving savior who could do miracles would be very appealing. Civilizations as a whole bowed down to kings and pharaohs on Earth, and they would do the same thing to a god made of flesh who held the keys to heaven. Once the idea of such a being and his life was in a person’s mind, their fertile imagination would take over and do its work. As time went on, people stopped asking themselves if their ideas were based on facts. And the priests have been counting on this. A society that hasn’t learned to tell the difference between an idea of reality and reality itself can be led to believe anything over time.