Did Jesus Really Practice Magic In Egypt?

We can see that the biggest questions about Jesus are about where and when he lived. As we’ve shown, we can’t be sure that the dates given by Paul and confirmed by the Church are correct. Also, what do we make of the fact that many sects, historians, and scribes never talk about this unique being?
Most Christians and Jews may not know that there are many possible candidates for the real Jesus, and that some of them lived hundreds of years before the time the Gospels say they lived. As you might expect, there isn’t much agreement among modern researchers about who Jesus was. Each says he was this or that person from this or that time in history, whether it was a well-known time or a long time ago. It depends on the scholar in question. Assuming that such a man existed, which is neither impossible nor unlikely, one of the most likely candidates for Jesus is Tutankhamen, the famous boy-king of Egypt during the 18th dynasty.

No matter how controversial this statement is, it makes sense when the facts are looked at.
Egyptian revisionist historians Moustafa Gadalla and Ahmed Osman have been revealing facts that drastically change what we know about Jesus the Man. Gadalla and Osman have both written that Abraham, the patriarch of the Old Testament, and his descendants were not just nomadic farmers whose god just happened to lead them to the homes of the pharaohs. They say that Abraham, Jacob, Isaac, and Joseph were all part of the powerful Hyksos family of Egyptian pharaohs.

Osman says that these Hyksos and the Israelites are the same group of people. He says that the Hyksos Kings of Egypt’s 13th dynasty, who were in charge for about 300 years, are the ancestors of the people who are called Israelites and Levites. During the 18th dynasty, they were led by Pharaoh Akhenaton, who was either a direct descendant of the Hyksos or shared their ideas. Ralph Ellis says that Abraham did not come from somewhere else to Egypt. He says that Abraham lived in Egypt his whole life and was a powerful Hyksos king who was in competition with the pharaoh of Upper Egypt who lived in Thebes. Mesopotamia was not at all where the city of Ur was. Most people think it was near the Euphrates and Tigris, but it was actually on the Nile. When we understand what the Bible scholars meant by “Egypt,” everything about Abraham and Sarah’s trip there makes sense. The people who wrote the Old Testament used the word “Egypt” to talk about the city of Thebes in Lower Egypt, as Ralph Ellis so brilliantly points out. This was the city and area where the Hyksos’ enemies lived and ruled. People thought of it as a separate area with its own rulers, gods, customs, and government. So Abraham didn’t go to Egypt as a whole, but he did go to the city of Thebes in Egypt.

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Official history says that the oppressive Hyksos were eventually driven out of the country by Pharaoh Ahmose I (1575-1550 BC), who led the Egyptian people in a rebellion against the tyrannical invader dynasty. We think, though, that the Hyksos’ upper classes did not leave Egypt. We think they held important jobs at the court of the pharaoh and in the great sun temples at Gizeh, Tanis, Heliopolis, Amarna, Avaris, and Alexandria. Even Tuthmosis IV and his son Amenhotep III were of mixed blood, which shows that the top level of the Hyksos people had married into the Egyptian line. Some Egyptologists think that Amenhotep III was the father of both Smenkhare and Tutankhamun. If this is true, then these two Atonist pharaohs also had mixed blood.

Ahmed Osman and Moustafa Gadalla think like Dr. Karl Abraham and Dr. Sigmund Freud when they say that the biblical Moses was the Pharaoh Akhenaton and that when Moses was kicked out of Egypt in the late 18th dynasty, it was really the “broken king” Akhenaton who was kicked out. The events at Sinai, the move to Jerusalem, and the eventual splitting of the twelve tribes did not happen to humble slaves who were being mistreated. Instead, they happened to a proud and wealthy royal family who were followers of a pharaoh who is thought to be the father of monotheism. The story goes that Moses died soon after getting to Sinai. Joshua, a strange man, took over as leader of the Levites (Atoneists) from him. Osman thinks that this person was the real Jesus Christ. If Osman is right, Jesus lived more than a thousand years before the dates Paul and the four fake gospels say he did. It also shows that Jesus was born in Egypt. Since neither the Palestinian Jews nor the Roman Jews had a writer, it’s clear that the Palestinian Jews knew that Jesus had been around before.

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Even Roman historians didn’t say a single word about the Jesus that Christians eventually came to accept. This can explain why Jews have a hard time accepting that the Christian Jesus is from the House of David and why they deny that he was the Christ. They say this because they know something that Christians aren’t supposed to know. The most important Jews know that Jesus lived a thousand years ago. The Jews have let their denial of Christ stand, but they have kept Christians in the dark about why. They also know that Jesus wasn’t really a name, but rather a title that many leaders of the Egyptian solar church used. Letting people think it was a person’s name made the truth even harder to figure out.

Even Paul, who worked for the hard-to-find descendants of the Egyptian Levites who lived in Rome, probably knew the story of Joshua. He may have based his Jesus on leaders of the Levites like Joshua, Moses, Aaron, and others. To the strict Essene, Joshua was the solar Messiah who was going to come back to earth. He was supposed to save his followers not only from the Romans, but also from the evil Jerusalem Church’s Sadducees, who were elitists who worked together. Paul didn’t stop using Essenic stories because these people were on a fast and wouldn’t have had time to learn about Jesus in the New Testament. So, if it’s true that Jesus lived during the time of Moses and if, after the exile, he was king over the Levites and the Houses of Israel and Judah, then maybe we should spend some time looking into this time period. After all, the Jews thought that the “Messiah” would come from the line of David and be a member of the House of Judah (Yahud). He was supposed to be the “Lion King,” the one who would save his people and set them free from slavery.

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