Are The Origins Of The Bible Based On Paganism?

Christianity and Judaism both come from Egypt. The roots of Egyptian culture and religion can be found in Ireland. The ancient cultures of Atlantis and Lemuria were also the source of the Druidic and proto-Druidic traditions of Ireland. Most people who have learned about history from traditional sources and who tend to blindly believe what so-called “historians” and “experts” say about the past will be surprised by these facts.

Many smart researchers are proving that the idea that Christianity has little to do with the land and traditions of Egypt is false. Egypt did play a role in the beginning of Judaism and Christianity. This is written in the Jewish scriptures, and it is also clear from the stories of Jesus’ early life. The “magi” came from Egypt to see the new-born sun king, and the Bible says that the young Jesus and his family took shelter there. Also, the first Christians were in Egypt. The Egyptians were the first and largest group to convert to this religion. They probably thought of it as just another one of the many solar churches in Alexandria, Heliopolis, and other places.

Egyptian ties to Judaism and Christianity

The great scholars and investigators have known for a long time that Judeo-Christianity has Egyptian roots. They were the ones who knew there was more to the story than what the Bible’s confusing and sad stories tell.
The Bible, like any other book, will reveal its secrets, but only to those who are skeptical and determined enough to follow the twists and turns in its text to figure out what is true and what is not. Scholars agree that there is a lot of “pious fraud” in the Bible. They agree that the first books of the Bible talk about two gods, Elohim and Jehovah, but that over time, these two gods became one, which is now called the “Lord God.” They agree that there are mistakes, lies, twisted facts, and stories about people who never existed.
They freely admit that there are copies of pagan myths and legends and that the four “saints” whose names are on the gospels did not write them.
Yes, many things have been agreed upon since serious bible study began just 100 years ago. And a lot has had to be given up since the Dead Sea Scrolls and Gnostic Gospels were found. These are Christian writings that go against some of the most well-known but falsely authenticated ideas in the official testaments.

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Ireland and Egypt

Scholars have been right to think that the roots of Judeo-Christianity lie in Egypt, where there were more than 32 dynasties of pharaohs and traditions that went back to the very beginning of time. But these same people can’t believe that Egypt’s religion and traditions could have been brought there from somewhere else. Sad to say, not much has been said about the links between Egypt and Ireland, which is much older. Those few revisionists who tried to show that there was a link are almost completely forgotten. As we’ve already said, skeptic scholars, historians, and writers who have the guts to go against the grain and question the barrage of nonsense that wants the world to accept the uniqueness of Jesus, the divinity of the Church, the truth of the gospels, and popular ideas about the exodus, diaspora, and the spread of cultural elements from East to West are doomed to be forgotten. The fact that the few researchers and scholars who tried to find out the truth about the “greatest story ever told” were silenced is another important clue for the person looking for the criminals who tried to destroy Druidry on purpose.

There was to be no written or spoken record of the truth, and no one was to say it out loud. But we should be skeptical when we are asked to believe that civilization moved from the East to the West or that God chose a small group of wandering exiles from one of the world’s oldest and greatest civilizations to be the spiritual fathers of the world. And we have every right to be skeptical when its representatives tell us that we must follow the Judeo-Christian religion’s tenets and dogmas or be damned for all eternity. If we want to, we could trade our valuable skepticism for something even better. We could give it up for a real understanding of how people lived in the past and choose knowledge as our salvation instead of the jaded cynicism that is so common in the world today. We could certainly question this phantasmagoric religion of desert wastelands, this revelation to shepherds and wanderers that has ruled the world for the past 2,500 years. We might have to find out if it is what it seems to be, like the scarecrow on the horizon. Now that we know Kafka, Dostoevsky, Hesse, and Cervantes, we might have to change how we think about the literature and theology of the Bible. Now that we’ve learned about de Sade, Joyce, and Lovecraft, we might be better able to judge the logic, insight, and even sanity of its authors.

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At least, we can ask why this so-called, but wrongly named, “Judeo-Christian” religion, which all men are supposed to respect and trust, if not follow, doesn’t say as much about how the human mind works as Plato, Aristotle, and Lucretius did in their writings. And why does it make us feel so angry about what man is? Why are there so many fights, superstitions, problems, and rivalries? Why do we learn such terrible things about people and the world from its pages, while we learn so much from Homer, Shakespeare, and Lawrence? Why does this book, which is supposed to show how people live and act, only show a small range of emotions? Why don’t we laugh when we read these Christian scriptures? Why does it say that a small group of “chosen” people will rule over all other countries and people? Why doesn’t this book about Jews and Christians have anything about astronomy, geometry, farming, building pyramids, or navigating? And why is it so hard to place the people like Solomon, Isaiah, and Jeremiah who wrote parts of it? Why don’t we find hymns to the earth and goddess in this very old book, like we do in Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu? And why is there nothing about the spiritual meanings of animals, which we find in the stories of so many ancient cultures? Why does this well-known book treat Earth so badly? We don’t see this in Wordsworth, Bronte, or Hardy’s works. And why do people talk about bad angels and fiery pits of hell? Why did plagues and famines happen to people who didn’t deserve them? Why would a god be so angry, jealous, and set on vengeance and destruction? If we were psychologists, we might wonder if the strange chapters and verses of the Bible show man as he really is, or if they show man and his world as they were seen by a few mentally ill people who were obsessed with showing off their own superiority and power. Could we not tend to agree with Nietzsche’s claim that the world is ugly and bad because Christians want to see it that way? In any case, the answers to our troubling questions may be very important.

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Crime in the name of God

When we think about the things that have happened because of this religion or the crimes that have been done in the name of its god, like genocide, subjugation, sadistic inquisitions, repression of natural instincts, suppression of women, hoarding of knowledge, reluctance to reveal origins, negation and despiritualization of nature, etc., we might feel a strong urge to find the truth that has eluded so many. But even if we start out as skeptics, we can still ask a few important basic questions to the world, even if we say we will only trust ourselves to find the answers. Our first question is something like, “Did people or God make Judeo-Christianity?” Our second question must be: Do those who wrote its official dogma want to know God or do they want to control the minds of men? Is their job to make people smarter or to make them slaves? And for our third question, is the Bible about reason or faith, truth or lies, clarity or confusion? Even though official sources don’t give us many answers to our questions that we can trust, we can probably at least be sure that what’s in the confusing book is true. If we were apostles of faith instead of reason, faith might give us this certainty. So, we don’t have much of a choice in the matter. We must find out, just as we would with a Manu, a Mohammed, or a Joseph Smith, if the verse and content are true and right, and if, in the end, it was made up by fools, wise people, or God. We have asked a few simple questions, and it doesn’t matter to us who we ask for answers. We want to hear everyone’s voice and opinion, because our minds are open and free. We pay attention to everyone and give everyone what they deserve. We only follow one rule: we have to make up our own minds or all of our work will be for nothing.