The Unknown Origins Of Nefertiti The Queen Of Aton

Nefertiti, not Akhenaton, should have been pharaoh after the death of Amenhotep III, who was crazy and lazy. She had more right to rule because she was the daughter of Sitamun, the first queen of Amenhotep III, who was known as the “Great Royal Wife.” Because of Tiye’s clever plotting, Akhenaton became king of Egypt. Tiye set up his marriage to Nefertiti, whose name meant “the beautiful one has come.” Akhenaton got the right to rule Egypt because of this famous marriage. Even though we don’t know much about her, we think Nefertiti was of Irish descent, even though we don’t know much about her. Nefertiti was from the West, which we can tell by her pale skin and straight features. Also, author and historian Lorraine Evans’s new book, Kingdom of the Ark, confirms an old Irish story about Scota, the daughter of Akhenaton, who came to Ireland after her father died to live, die, and be buried there.

This Egyptian queen gave Scotland its name. Evans has shown that Scota was Akhenaton and Nefertiti’s oldest daughter Meritaten, whose name means “loved of Aton.” You might wonder why this daughter of a pharaoh would leave her home country and go to Ireland with her entourage. We think that the most famous Egyptologists have gone to great lengths to hide Nefertiti’s true ancestry, just as they have gone to great lengths to make Akhenaton look like a semi-enlightened pacifist and minister of truth. Many sources agree that Nefertiti eventually disappeared, but they say it was because she changed her name. Some scholars say that they have found evidence that she was the ruler who took over after Akhenaton was kicked off the throne and that her throne name was Semekhara (or Smenkhare).

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Some experts say that Pharaoh Smenkhare was Nefertiti and not Akhenaton’s younger brother. Even though this may be true, we need to be careful because this strange theory may just be a way to hide the fact that Nefertiti was cast aside by the hardline Atonist priestarchy because she eventually turned against both Aton and her husband’s ideas, which had destroyed the country. Dr. Joann Fletcher, an archaeologist, is a strong supporter of this idea. She thinks that Nefertiti’s body has been found in the famous Valley of the Kings. From what she found out, she thought that the queen’s body was one of three found in 1898. The team of French Egyptologist Victor Clement Georges Philippe Loret found three mummified bodies in a side room of the tomb of Pharaoh Amenhotep II.

This tomb, which had been broken into in the past, was where the pharaoh was found. It was found in the same year as the tomb of Tuthmosis III and close to when the tombs of Hatshepsut and Yuya were found. The young woman who was thought to be Nefertiti had her body badly cut up. She had been hurt in an attack that was clearly meant to kill her, and she may have died from her injuries. Even though these discoveries are interesting, it looks like the mummy of Nefertiti was of a woman who was too old to have been Egypt’s great queen.