Akhenaton Or Moses And The Brotherhood Of The Snake

Akhenaton was a priest of the Cult of the Sun and the leader of the “Brotherhood of the Snake.” Later propagandists changed his name to “Moses.” Aton was the god he prayed to (also Aten, Adon, or Adonai). Akhenaten was a crazy megalomaniac who was obsessed with himself. He decided to do something that no other pharaoh had even thought of, let alone done. He made it illegal to worship any other gods in Egypt, and he cut off money for the temples and priests.
He seems to have wanted to stop pantheism in favor of monotheism.

But his goal was not, as some academics have said, to make the country more spiritual. In a way, it was to make it less spiritual. His crazy goal was for everyone to worship the god of his Levitical family. Egypt didn’t agree with him or think this was a good idea.
He only had help from other people in his family, hired thugs and court guards from other countries to protect him, and some Hyksos sun priests in Heliopolis, Avaris, and Memphis. These priests of the Delta’s Solar Cult seem to have helped put the haughty king in his high but often abused position. Old historians wrote that “Moses” was educated or “indoctrinated” in the city of Heliopolis. This link to Heliopolis makes sense if we look at the theory of the revisionist author Ralph Ellis, who, like the nineteenth-century scholar Donald MacKenzie, thinks that the Hyksos kings ruled over Heliopolis. Authors William Bramley and Laurence Gardner call these kings “Dragon Bloodline” members.

Who were the Hyksos

The Hyksos were the same people as the Levites in the Bible. If Akhenaton and his family before him were Hyksos, then his strange and disrespectful behavior would make a lot of sense. But it should be clear that Akhenaton was not the rightful heir to the Egyptian throne. His mother, Tiye, was not of Egyptian descent and was not recognized as a spiritual “daughter” of the god Amen-Ra, which is what a woman had to be in order to have legal rights to the throne. Since Tiye didn’t have this right, neither did her son Akhenaton. One could say that almost all of the pharaohs of the 18th dynasty, as well as the “Hyksos” kings from the 13th dynasty to the 18th, were not real pharaohs in the spiritual sense. Akhenaton, on the other hand, was not. So, when he and his group of Levite followers were kicked out of power, it made sense for them to hide who they were (“Israelites,” “Judites,” “Levites”) and not make their connection to Egypt clear.

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Historians have done the same thing, so the truth about where the Judites and Levites came from has only come out in recent years. The first group of Western “Egyptologists” (Weigall, Maspero, Breasted, Petrie, Carter, Grafton Smith, Anthes, Lange, and others), most of whom were supported by aristocrats or even the king, always spoke highly of Akhenaton and his rule. They gave a push to the Egyptian cult of “Akhenaton the Good,” “Akhenaton the Shelley,” and “Akhenaton the Christ.” A few scholars who aren’t as eager to praise this crazy man for bringing chaos and ruin to Egypt have talked about the horrible things Akhenaton did in the name of his god. Did the Egyptian people hate this self-proclaimed monotheist Akhenaton and his exclusive Solar Cult? They called him the “Leper Messiah,” the “cripple,” the “great villain,” and the “heretic king.” Did they try to get rid of him? Yes, they did that for sure. But like all religious dictators, Akhenaton used force to stop people from disagreeing with him. Only his way worked. His faith was the only faith.

Only his god existed. This “Christ” of Egypt wants you to believe in him or die and go to hell. Akhenaton spent all of Egypt’s money to build Amarna, the city he wanted (Akhetaten). Before his cruel rule was over, Egypt’s economy was in shambles. All of the things that his father, Amenhotep III, had made were destroyed. The Egyptian people were not happy with the new, strange, and restrictive religion that was being forced on them. In the end, they were literally praying for Amen to come back and make their badly hurt land normal again. Around 1361 BC, after almost two decades of intolerance, bigotry, and repression, the priests of Amen Ra at Thebes and most of the Egyptian people finally rose up against this decadent and spiritually corrupt dynasty and put them out of power. After Akhenaton’s rule fell apart, the throne went to Smenkhare and then to Tutankhamun. Tutankhamun stopped worshiping Aton and gave power back to the Amenist priesthood. After Tutankhamun died too soon, his uncle Aye became pharaoh.

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Like Tutankhamun, Aye had given up worshiping Aton. He was king for about four years before Heremheb got rid of him. When it looked like things were moving too slowly or that the Atonists would try to bring back their dictatorship, Pharaoh Heremheb was forced to take control of Egypt with the help of the military. He (and later Ramses I, Seti I, and Ramses II) oversaw the gradual removal of the Atonists from power, at least in the major cities and provinces. Heremheb married Nefertiti’s sister, but he was not a member of the Cult of Aton. The great Edict of Heremheb showed that he cared about his people and what was best for them. The Pharaohs Heremheb, Rameses II, and Seti I are often portrayed as evil tyrants in Hollywood movies about the Bible’s Exodus. This is not a coincidence. In a classic case of reverse projection and transference complex, they are always portrayed as cruel, idol-worshipping maniacs who are obsessed with punishing Akhenaton (Moses) and his followers for being good and holy. We’re not surprised by this kind of portrayal because we know who pays for and runs the movie business.

King Heremheb The Last King

Heremheb became the model for Pontius Pilate in the Bible, who, as the Gospel of John says, nailed “the king” to a cross. This happened because of the Atonists (see John 19:15). Heremheb was the last king of the troubled 18th dynasty. He ruled from 1323 BC to 1295 BC. He put his general in charge of the army, Rameses I (1295–94 BC), on the throne to rule in his place. Rameses I was succeeded by his son Seti I (1294-1279 BC). Seti I gave the throne to his own son Ramses II (“the Great”), who was the pharaoh who finally found and killed Akhenaton, who had come back to Egypt to claim the throne for a second time in a rude way. Even though the story of Akhenaton’s exodus (around 1300 BC) is mentioned in the early books and chapters of the Bible, it is only now that the full light of truth has started to shine on the events and people in this book. In the past, historians like Manetho, Josephus, and Strabo said that the wandering Israelite tribes were very close to the Egyptian pharaonic dynasties. Today, a few researchers who continue the revisionist work of Karl Abrahams, Sigmund Freud, Immanuel Velikovsky, and Comyns Beaumont help us figure out where the mysterious people in the Bible came from. From what they’ve found, it’s clear that the Bible was put together with a lot of lies and false stories.

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The most important thing we learn is that the Israelites were not poor slaves who were mistreated. This is what most of the world has been taught to believe. The so-called “Israelites” were led by people who had been pharaohs and were related to and descended from the Hyksos pharaohs of the 13th dynasty. Memphis and Avaris were their major cities. Avaris got a new name, PiRameses, but before that, he was called Zaru and Zion. It was located in the part of the Nile Delta called “Goshen” in the Bible. It was likely the city where Akhenaton grew up and went to school.
Akhenaton and his group of Atonists were both kicked out of Egypt because they were part of the Hyksos dynasty of rich and powerful kings and priests.