What Do The Dead Sea Scrolls Say About Christianity?

dead sea scrolls jesus

Some scholars thought that when the Dead Sea Scrolls were found, they would be the biggest threat to the Church. However, this was not the case. The Vatican is still going strong even though they were found in 1947. This is because they didn’t say much that was really shockingly controversial. They only showed that … Read more

Is The Bible and Christianity Based On Sunworship or Solar Worship?

bible based on sunworship

The Bible is a very mysterious book. Few people seem to understand what it’s really about. Each scholar and interpreter has a different point of view, and often one theory goes against another. One thing is clear: Judeo-Christian beliefs are at the root of some of the most disgusting, violent, and illegal things you can … Read more

Are The Origins Of The Bible Based On Paganism?

pagan origins bible

Christianity and Judaism both come from Egypt. The roots of Egyptian culture and religion can be found in Ireland. The ancient cultures of Atlantis and Lemuria were also the source of the Druidic and proto-Druidic traditions of Ireland. Most people who have learned about history from traditional sources and who tend to blindly believe what … Read more

What are the differences and similarities between Noah and Utnapishtim?


The Epic of Gilgamesh has piqued Christians’ curiosity since its discovery in the ruins of Nineveh’s great library in the mid-nineteenth century, with its account of a universal flood that bears striking similarities to Noah’s Flood. The rest of the Epic, which may date from the third millennium B.C., is largely irrelevant to Christians because … Read more